Why India is a more populated Country - AryansWorld Gyaan


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Friday, September 18, 2020

Why India is a more populated Country

1. Universality of Marriage: In India marriage is a religious tradition. The society doubts an unmarried person. To escape from this, a man and a woman enter into marriage. Compared to advanced countries, in India, most women marry. This universality of marriage leads to overpopulation.

2. Early Marriage and Widow Remarriage: Child marriage is prevalent in many parts of the country despite, laws banning child marriage. As they get married at an early age, their fertility span is very long. This results in the birth of more children. The widow remarriage act in India has been supported by many and thus widow remarriage has become common.

3. Preference for a Male Child: Indian society is male-dominated and more importance is given to sons rather than daughters, It is believed that there is a hell named 'poo' and a son's birth can stop them from reaching this hell, and To support them financially during old age. Due to these three reasons, families give birth to more children expecting a son and in the process their family size becomes large.

4. Joint Family System: There is the prevalence of joint family system in the rural areas of India. As a result, the financial responsibility of the upbringing of a child is distributed among all the family members, hence, a child does not become a burden leading to high imcome source.

5. Low Level of Education: Education and population growth have a complex relationship. This is more so, regarding female education. Inadequate education makes it difficult to understand the need for small families and as a result, the family size tends to become large. Education and the number of children in a family have an inverse relationship all over the world. It has been found that as compared to illiterate women, the women who have had primary education give birth to less number of children. From this experience, it can be said that the birth-rate is high because of illiteracy and low education.

6. Low-Level Income: When the income of a family is low level, the birth of a child is considered to be an asset rather than a burden. It is commonly said, "more the merrier". It is expected that the child also contributes to the income of the family in future. Even today we see children working in small shops or in tea stalls.

7. High Infant Mortality Rate: "Out of every 1000 children born in a given year, the number of child deaths before one year of age is known as infant mortality rate". The extent of infant mortality rate is quite high in India in comparison to various other developed cunties. In India, infant mortality rate in 1951 was 146 which fell to 41.40 in 2011 but still, this rate is considered to be quite high. The main reasons for this high infant mortality rate are poverty, less care given to girl child, lack of nutritious food, frequent abortions among women, age-old practices in the upbringing of a child, inadequate medical facilities, less gap between two children etc. are some of the reasons which leads to a high tendency of birth-rate.

8. High Fertility Rate: Out of every 1000 females in the age group of 15-49 years, how many live children are given birth, is what is known as fertility rate. In the Indian population structure, high fertility is a speciality. Let us analyze this speciality with reference to the women in the age group of 15-49 years. In 1961, the average of women in this age group gave birth to 6 children, fell to 3 in 2011. Still this is considered to be high.

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